How it works
How to install Tabrr New Tab for Chrome?
Go to the official Chrome Web Store and press the "Add to Chrome" button to add Tabrr Tab to your browser. After installing the Tabrr Tab extension click the “Extensions” icon (
) on the top right, find our extension, and click pin extension (
How to manually add a new bookmark?
Click the "Add" button (in the hub at the right). In the opened popup window select "Add Manually", then add a name and a bookmark URL, select, upload, or create a preview, and click the "Save" button.
How to add a new bookmark from the category list?
Click the "Add" button (in the hub at the right). In the opened popup window select the needed category and click on the needed bookmark from the list. Or use the search bar to find a website you want to add.
How to edit bookmarks?
Right-click on any bookmark, and then hover over the bookmark you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
How to remove a bookmark or a widget from the home screen?
Right-click any bookmark or widget, and then click the cross icon.
How to group bookmarks in a folder?
To create a folder, drag a bookmark onto another bookmark, then drag other bookmarks into the folder.
How to rename a folder?
Open a folder, click the folder name and enter a new name.
How to add a widget?
Click the "Add" button (in the hub at the right). In the pop-up window that opens, select Widgets, click the one you want, and then click the "Add Widgets" button.
How to add bookmarks and folders to the hub?
Drag a bookmark or folder to the hub (max 14 items)
How to sync all my data with other devices?
1. Create an account 2. Open the Tabrr extension and click the "Settings" button (in the hub at the right). In the pop-up window that opens, click "Sign In / Sync" and Log In